In Memory of




Condolence From: Michelle Robinson
Saturday February 06, 2016
Condolence From: Albert Caldwell Jr
Condolence: To the Brown Family Please accept our condolences for the passing of Claretha Brown. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. I know that Claretha must have touched the lives of so many family members and friends. The things that she done for others have left a lasting impression. We know that we have fond memories of her. But as human, we want the real person residing back among us. It should be of interest to all that God desires the same thing for us. From the pages of the bible He reveals this wonderful promise that will extend grand blessings even to those who have died. Here is this promise from God. He states that He will soon empty the graves and restore life back to those who have died.(John 5:28-29) From this one scripture, God is giving us a sure guarantee that our love ones will live again. He wants everyone to have strong faith in this promise. So He has preserved at least eight accounts in the bible that speaks about this wonderful arrangement. Here is one such example. It is recorded at Acts 9:36-42. May we please encourage all to read the account. When doing so, think about how the verses would apply t o Claretha, as God uses His powers to restore her back to life. Now try envisioning what this reunion of Claretha and others will be like. Oh what a happy time period this will prove to be. So to the family we encourage all to take comfort from this loving promise from God. Remember that God has given us His personal promise. God does not lie.(Titus 1:2)
Friday December 25, 2015
Condolence From: Smalls Mortuary, Inc.
Condolence: Our staff will continue to keep your family in our prayers. We thank you for allowing us to serve your family.
Thursday December 24, 2015